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Author: Kartik Dongre

Dive into our extensive collection of expert insights and guidance, specially curated to support your childā€™s educational journey. From uncovering the nuances of different learning styles to detailed strategies for exam success, our archive is brimming with valuable advice.

Top tips for moving on to senior school

Starting at a senior school can be hugely daunting, not least because it will often have bigger premises than a primary or prep school and students need to navigate their way around different departments between timetabled lessons. Here are some tips for helping them feel as prepared as possible for this transition: Identify and discuss […]

Rooney controversy over holidays in term time

‘Kai goes to a private school’: Coleen Rooney hits back at critics as she’s accused of taking son on holiday during term time to watch dad Wayne at the Euros. Coleen Rooney has hit back at criticism for taking her son out of school to cheer on his England star father at Euro 2016. The […]

The 11+ Journey

Enhance the experience with the range of complementary services we have developed to make the experience even more successful! Here at JK Educate, we first started the JK 11+ Journey six years ago and it has continued to evolve since then. To begin with, we would assess all of our children as usual and then […]

Reading in Year 2 and Year 3

‘- From JKā€™s reading expert As children move through Y2 the focus in reading changes from phonics to comprehension, so it is important that children have a good grasp of the phonics that have been taught and are confident in their use. Alongside phonics, children need a good knowledge of ā€˜tricky wordsā€™ such as: Ā Ā ā€˜youā€™, […]

Coping with Exam Stress and Anxiety…

With entrance exams and mocks coming up in the New Year, in addition to academic help, we can offer strategies for parents and pupils to prepare emotionally and practically for exams. Two main things for a parent to think about when it comes to their childā€™s exams: How to help your child revise ā€“ both […]

How should I help my child to learn?

Weā€™ve all been taught to sit in a classroom and passively acquire teachings from a teacher. However very few of us ever actively learn to be learners. How often do you hear of a student who can self-motivate, organise themselves, schedule their days and approach their studies with an understanding of how their individual brain […]

How to prepare your child for the 11+ Exams

One of the most frequent questions that parents ask us at Jaderberg Krais is how best can they prepare their children for the 11+ exams? Practice is one of the most effective ways to prepare for exams, so taking past papers will help get used to the format of the questions, and practising timing will […]

Stop Press

Michael Gove meets Lorrae and Katie to talk education On 31st March, we were delighted to be invited to a private meeting with Michael Gove, mixing education with politics; Lorrae pictured next to Michael and Katie taking the photo! It was a pleasure for us to meet him and get to grips with educational issues. […]

11 + Maths Problems

solving summer holiday workshopsā€¦. With CEM and others trying to make 11+ exams “tutor-proof”, more questions are going to need a problem-solving mindset. We have found this to be a relatively weak area for many students who are sitting their entrance exams in September and January, so we are offering a special workshop to address […]

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