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Careers & University Entrance Support

Support with GCSE, A Level and university choices, help with personal statements for university applications and careers advice. Our advisors have a wealth of experience in personal statement writing and interview techniques, careers advice and subject advice.

JK Educate have expert advisors available to help with big decisions, including which GCSE, sixth form and university courses or careers to choose, to help students reach their potential and their ambitions. We help students to see how they can get to where they want to be. This forms part of our wrap-round support for our students and families; please call us for future career mapping and education advice before making any big decisions. Your child. Our priority. We are here to help at any stage in your childā€™s educational journey.

Careers Support

Our expert career consultant guides and advises students and graduates through the difficult process of deciding on a career direction and then getting that all-important first job. The bespoke support offered by our Career Consulting Service covers everything a student or graduate will need to make the transition from years of education into the new environment of work.

As every student is unique, all services need to be tailored to the precise needs and circumstances of each individual client. This is why our services are offered only on a one-to-one basis, so that these needs can be properly met. And the ultimate aim is to help every graduate we work with to find that first job that will begin a fulfilling and successful career.

Each Career Consulting Service session lasts between 1 hour and 1.5 hours, via video call, telephone or face-to-face meetings in our offices.

We offer the following options:

  • Skills audit and analysis
  • Accredited psychometric assessments (Behavioural and Ability)
  • Career planning to meet objectives
  • Career and industry insights, including setting up meetings with professionals
  • CV writing guidance
  • LinkedIn profile writing guidance
  • Job search strategy and planning
  • Assistance with gaining work experience
  • Help with securing internships
  • Advice on completing job applications
  • Advice on writing covering letters
  • Coaching for motivation and/or confidence
  • Interview preparation, including mock interviews
  • How to negotiate a contract and salary

In addition, we offer two comprehensive graduate programmes:


For details of these highly effective services, simply call 020 3488 0754 or contact us.

University Entrance Support

JK have specialist tutors that provide tutoring, advice and support for university interviews and entrance exams. We provide this service for both UK and overseas students applying to UK universities.

Our experienced tutors and consultants have years of experience in this area. They include secondary school teachers, heads of departments in schools and sixth form colleges, subject specialists including medics and lawyers, and careers guidance practitioners.

Our experienced advisors work with individual students to support them in submitting appropriate, well thought out and high-quality university applications, showing evidence of research and careful thought. We have experts on hand to provide help with choosing universities to suit each individual, including specific advice on which universities to apply for, based on a studentā€™s predicted grades and their CV, to optimise their chances of getting favourable offers. They have a wealth of experience in personal statement writing and interview techniques. All this support is currently available online, using our interactive online platform, and in person. And once at university, if students need a little extra support adjusting to the different way of studying or to specific subject areas, we can offer flexible, targeted undergraduate tutoring.

We have been using JK Educate for many years. They helped us to prepare my daughter for secondary school admissions exams and they just helped her to prepare for her Cambridge interview. She has just been offered a place. Her JK Educate tutor did an absolutely brilliant job of supporting her to rebuild her confidence after the schoolā€™s approach to preparing her had rather seriously backfired!

Secondary Admissions to Oxbridge Interview

Specific services include:

  • Study skills and exam technique
  • University admissions
  • University entrance exam preparation
  • Mock university interviews
  • Subject-specific Oxbridge interview preparation
  • Subject-specific Russell Group University preparation
  • Biomed applications
  • Interview preparation for medical, dental and veterinary schools
  • Advice and support preparing personal statements
  • Tutoring for the UCAT, BMAT, LNAT, STEP, TMUA and other professional university entrance exams

A wide range of expert support services for aspiring medics and lawyers are provided by fellow members of the Dukes Education family, The Lawyer Portal and The Medic Portal. Click here for more information.

Case Study: University Application Process

This is a recent example of how we help many students with the university application process:

The Year 13 student was high achieving, with predicted grades of As and A*s in her A Level subjects. The brief was to prepare her for university interviews and review and refine her Personal Statement over a block of six sessions.

Firstly, the JK Matching Team and Secondary Lead identified an appropriate tutor with the relevant skills and experience ā€“ a role model, a positive influence, and someone who would instil confidence.

The tutor helped the student articulate her interest in, motivation for and understanding of her chosen degree, and probe what she had learnt and the impact of the learning on her choice. In addition, the tutor encouraged her to draw on a wide range of specific experiences, skills and qualities which she could link to the course. They looked at model examples of Personal Statements from the point of view of structure, tone, style and flow. After each session, the tutor would feed back with specific points of action until they were finally satisfied with a full and well-evidenced Personal Statement.

The tutor also supported the student in becoming ready for interview. They conducted an entire mock interview over the course of a session, which highlighted areas of strength as well as revealing some areas to work on. The student took the feed back on board and was able to have more precise information at her fingertips to be able to respond fully to the question, ā€˜Why this course?ā€™ She could also talk with greater confidence about her own personal qualities and how she could contribute to the course.

It was a rewarding experience for both tutor and student to arrive at a point of readiness and be in a strong pre-interview position.

The student had four successful interviews and was delighted to be offered a place at her first-choice university.

These case studies are genuine, but names have been changed to protect our students’ privacy.

Sixth Form Entrance Support

The important transition from GCSE to an A Level or vocational course is not always an easy one. For a student to be comfortable and successful in their studies it is necessary to research information and consider a range of issues before making a final decision on what and where to study for Sixth Form.

JK has specialist tutors and advisors to offer advice on where to study at sixth form level, and what to study for certain careers. We also help students prepare for entrance applications, interviews and 16+ entrance exams.

Call us on 020 3488 0754 to discuss how we can support these important decisions and the subsequent application process.

Some factors to consider when choosing a sixth form destination:

  • The studentā€™s current educational experience and enthusiasms
  • Their predicted GCSE grades and how these fit school or college admissions criteria
  • Longer term aims for the future ā€“ are they aiming towards employment, an Apprenticeship or Higher Education after sixth form? What qualifications will they need to meet that aim?
  • Which sixth form environment will best develop a useful range of social and transferable skills?
  • Do they lean towards the academic or the more practical and vocational?
  • Are there both compulsory and elective elements that interest the student in the courses they are considering?
  • The school or collegeā€™s past examination results and student destinations.
  • Does the student like the feel of the place when they visit?
  • Do they want a more structured environment with close monitoring of progress, or a more relaxed and independent learning approach?
  • Location is an important consideration, to avoid an unnecessarily long and tiring daily journey.

These factors are just a start point. Our experience advisors can help with the decision process in choosing a sixth form that is right for your child. Call us now on 020 3488 0754.

Support For GSCE Options

Deciding which GCSEs to take is a difficult process and as with the choices of sixth form and university subjects and destinations, expert advice can help clarify the implications of each option. We help students to see how particular GCSEs can get them where they want to be, and which subject combinations would work best to open up their options and prepare them for sixth form and university choices.

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